Visual Impact Muscle Building is what you need to get gains. This unique fitness program is designed for men who are looking to increase their muscle mass, simply by focusing on specific movements, techniques, reps, etc. What’s even more most unique is that the program focuses on building muscle in your entire body. You can gain 35 lbs. of muscle but if 20 lbs. of it is in your legs, it will throw off your proportion. Unfortunately, this happens to a lot of people because they’re following the wrong fitness regime that pumps up muscle instead of building lean muscle mass. It’s all about muscle growth and how your body reacts to specific training, which is what you’ll learn about in this program.
What is the Visual Impact Muscle Building About?
It is the perfect fitness program for men who are looking to build full, dense muscle mass – everywhere. If you just want big arms and scrawny legs, then a proportional program isn’t for you… And you risk becoming a viral meme in the future.
Jokes aside, proportional muscle mass is imperative to your overall health and fitness moving forward. When you do too much of one type of training, such as sarcoplasmic training, your muscles can look “fluffy” and rounded, instead of sharp, angular and ripped. If you do too much myofibrillar training, your muscles will be ripped but undersized. That’s what this program addressed.
You need both types of training to create a sharp, angular look that’s made up of lean muscle – often easier said than done, right? That is… until you start the Visual Impact Muscle Building Program.
Broken down into three different phases, you’ll learn the advanced techniques to gaining proportional muscle mass that results in a ripped, sharp physique. It uses your favorite form of resistance – whether machines, body weight or free weights – to accurately build your muscles, so you get that ripped, hard body.
The entire system is broken down into three different eBooks – Muscle Building, Exercise Demonstrations, and Printable Workout Charts – to ensure a thorough, comprehensive and effective workout regime that will give you the results you’re looking for.
The program is online. So, you can get started right away and download the content onto your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. If you decide that getting ripped, proportional muscle mass isn’t for you, there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee that comes with the program. However, if you’re serious about transforming your body into ripped, razor-sharp physique, you would be a fool to give this program back.
Who is the Author of Visual Impact Muscle Building?
Rusty Moore is the man behind Visual Impact Muscle Building. He also runs a popular online fitness website called Fitness Blackbook which also focuses on building lean, proportional muscle mass. As you’ll see well throughout the program – and his website – he’s a fitness expert that knows what he’s doing. He might not be famous and all over those 3 A.M. shopping channels but don’t let that deter you. This guy knows fitness – and not the type that will have you walking around like the hulk. Instead, his expertise is based on that Hollywood, underwear model physique – and not the bulky, pumped up bodybuilder look.
Overview of the Visual Impact Muscle Building Program
To give you a better look at what the program provides, I’ve decided to break down the various chapters of each eBook. Here’s a sneak peek:
Muscle Building
- Concentrating on “The Big 3”
- The 2 Main Types of Muscle Growth
- “Cumulative Fatigue”
- A High Volume of Sets and Reps
- Hybrid Muscle Building
- How Much Muscle Can You Gain?
- Eating for Muscle Gains
- Only Proven Muscle Building Supplement
- Setting Up Your Workout Routine
- Phase 1 – Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
- Phase 2 – Increase Muscle and Density
- Phase 3 – Max Density and Definition
- Bonus Phase – Shrink Wrap Your Muscles
- Building Mass on Upper Body Only
Exercise Demonstrations
This portion of the program is separated into the three different phases mentioned in the main manual. You have the option to view the exercises based on body part or per phase. So, if one day you want to focus on tricep exercises or chest exercises, instead of following the precise regime outlined for you, you can.
Otherwise, all you need to put your newfound knowledge into action is this guide. You go to the phase you’re in, where you’ll find a list of exercises to do. Click on one and you’re provided with detailed written and visual instructions, along with tips, to perform that specific exercise.
To give you a better example, you’ll find bench presses, deadlifts, calf raises, curls, chin ups and much more.
Printable Workout Routines
Now that you have all the information you need, along with clear instructions on how to do each exercise, it’s time for the routine. This portion of the program is also separated into the three different phases, with separate days for each.
For example, Phase One has:
- Day One: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
- Day Two: Legs, Calves, Abs
- Day 3: Back, Biceps, Forearms
… and so on and so forth. Each exercise comes with the sets and reps to do, along with any notes that’ll help you maximize your results.
Just print this guide out, follow it and you’re ready to get that lean, angular, sharp physique you’ve been trying to get at the gym all this time.
The Verdict
There’s no denying that Visual Impact Muscle Building is a truly unique program – and one that the online fitness industry hasn’t seen yet. It’s not about bulking up or looking like a bodybuilding but rather, it’s about building a sharp, crisp, ripped physique that is proportional. No more chicken legs or walking around like the Hulk. It’s time to even everything out and that’s exactly what this program does.
Since it is online, you can get started right away and as mentioned, there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee available. However, Visual Impact Muscle Building is like having a personal trainer – only for a fraction of the cost. So, you’d be crazy to give that up if you’re serious about transforming your physique.
Originally posted 2017-12-01 08:05:20.