Children Learning Reading is an online program used by over 38,700 happy parents who are teaching their little ones how to read, sans sight words. This might come to you as a surprise since most reading teaching methods are highly focused on teaching children “sight words” before anything else. However, what may also surprise you is that 67% of all grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level in the United States; 45% of Canadians are semi-illiterate; 42% of UK children leave school without achieving a basic level of functional English and 33% of Australian year 5 students cannot meet the benchmark literacy skills. Needless to say, there is something wrong with the way children are being taught how to read. Children Learning Reading teaches you a scientifically-proven method that works and over 38,700 parents are proof of that.
What is Children Learning Reading?
Put down the flashcards, worksheets and books that don “sight words” because teaching your child how to read using them doesn’t actually teach them how to read at all. Instead, sight words teach a child how to recognize word shapes and configurations which is all fine and dandy… Until they run into words that have similar shapes and configurations such as hurt, hunt, bunt, punt, etc. but that sound different. Since sight words force your child to recognize shapes instead of learning the sounds of words, teaching a child how to read this way can lead to serious reading difficulties moving forward.
So, Children Learning Reading has scrapped sight words from their teaching techniques altogether. Instead, this unique online program teaches children how to read using phonetics or in other words, the different sounds of letters – not words.
To put this into perspective, there are only 44 sounds in the English language; there are over hundreds of thousands of words in the English language. Do you think it’ll be easier for children to learn 44 sounds or over 170,000 words? Of course, it’s the 44 sounds, and that’s exactly what the program does.
This unique reading technique has been scientifically proven to be a successful way to teach children – even infants how to read and how to become fast and fluent readers moving forward. It’s also an excellent program for older children who are currently struggling.
However, this program is much more than simply teaching your child the 44 words of English. It also teaches you, the parent, all about the technique and why this approach to reading is significantly more efficient and easier for children of all ages.
Children Learning Reading is broken down into two different eBooks – Stage 1 and Stage 2 – to ensure this technique is easily understood by parents so that when they teach their children, it’ll be just as easy for them. So, the entire first stage is all about the program’s strategy which I’ll elaborate on more in just a moment. The second stage is where you’ll find step-by-step lessons to teach your child to read. I will also elaborate on this in just a moment.
Before I do that, it’s worth mentioning that this program is entirely online. So, you simply access the content, download it onto your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet, and get started. More importantly, doing so allows your child to learn how to read or start improving on their reading right away as well.
This program also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so if you’re uneasy about following an online program, then this should give you all the confidence you need. However, with the high success rate of this program, you’d be silly to go back to the traditional teaching methods that have to so many children having reading difficulties.
Who is the Author of Children Learning Reading?
Jim Yang is the author of this program, and not only is he a Dad but also, he is a reading teacher by profession. He has three children, two of which started reading when they were 2-years-old, (the third child is only a couple of weeks old). Today, Jim’s method is used by over 38,700 happy parents.
Quick Summary of the Children Learning Reading Program
As promised, let’s get into the details of the two eBooks that make up this online program. Here’s a sneak peek at the topics covered:
Stage 1: Topics + 28 Reading Step-By-Step Reading Lessons
- Phonemic Awareness
- The Research Behind Phonemic Awareness
- The Importance of Blending
- Developing Early Phonemic Awareness
- Smooth Blending and Choppy Blending
- The Importance of Repeated Practice and Exposure
- Systematic Synthetic Phonics
- What is Synthetic Phonics?
- Why Synthetic Phonics?
- About Synthetic Phonics and this Program
- About Sight Words
- Letter Names and Letter Sounds
- Synthetic Phonics and The Complexities of English
- What Reading Does for the Mind
- The Matthew Effect in Reading
- Reading and Vocabulary Growth
- The Importance of Home Support for Literacy Development in Children
- Our Observations – Just Observations
- The First Steps
- How Much Time Should We Spend on Lessons?
- What if My Child Already Knows All the Letters and Sounds?
- Learning the Letter Sounds Yourself
- Keep Up with Sounding Out and Blending Practices
- Do Not Skip Lessons
- Teaching Capital and Lowercase Letters
- How to Teach Reading and Present Lessons
- Reading Left to Right
- Teaching Letters and Letter Sounds
- Teaching Words
- Font Used – Verdana
- Getting Your Child to Cooperate
- Maintaining a Routine and a Regular Schedule
- Talk to Your Child, At the SAME Level
- Praise and Encouragement
- Simple Tips and Ideas for Motivation
- The Reading Content Game
Stage 2: Topics + 22 Step-By-Step Reading Lessons
- Teaching Digraphs
- How Much Time to Spend on Lessons?
- Guided Reading and Books
- Shifting the Focus to Reading Books
- Reading Comprehension
- Decoding and Word Recognition
- Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
Children Learning Reading teaches children of all ages how to read or how to improve their reading based on a scientifically-proven method that focuses on teaching children the sounds of words, instead of forcing them to recognize word shapes. This makes sense considering there are hundreds and thousands of English words that look similar. By teaching children the sounds of the letters, they learn to decode words based on the letters, which essentially helps them read significantly faster and more fluently. So, if you’re ready to join the 38,700 happy parents, start your child on the Children Learning Reading program.
Originally posted 2018-07-29 16:57:49.